Lazy Injection Example

In this example you’ll see how to declare an injection as lazy and how does it work.

We declare classes ServiceA and ServiceB which both print when they are being instantiated and also when their method something is invoked.

In our LazyInjection example class we inject the ServiceA lazily by specifying the parameter lazy=True to Autowired and we also inject the ServiceB the default way (not lazy).

You can see that at the LazyInjection::__init__ method the ServiceB::__init__ method is called right at injection time while we do not see the same for ServiceA.

Now, in the LazyInjection::run method we can see that ServiceA::__init__ is only called when actually needed, i.e., when we invoke ServiceA::something.

See also

The Cyclic Dependency Example details how to leverage lazy injection to deal with circular references.
from examples import Example
from examples.lazy_injection.service_a import ServiceA
from examples.lazy_injection.service_b import ServiceB
from injectable import autowired, Autowired, load_injection_container

class LazyInjection(Example):
    def __init__(
        self, service_a: Autowired(ServiceA, lazy=True), service_b: Autowired(ServiceB)
        # ServiceB::__init__ called
        print("example init started")
        # example init started
        self.service_a = service_a
        self.service_b = service_b
        print("example init finished")
        # example init finished

    def run(self):
        # running

        # ServiceA::__init__ called
        # ServiceA::something called

        # ServiceB::something called

def run_example():
    example = LazyInjection()

if __name__ == "__main__":
from injectable import injectable

class ServiceA:
    def __init__(self):
        print("ServiceA::__init__ called")

    def something(self):
        print("ServiceA::something called")
from injectable import injectable

class ServiceB:
    def __init__(self):
        print("ServiceB::__init__ called")

    def something(self):
        print("ServiceB::something called")